Marx ZauberMantel

I’m a single malt scotch drinking Anglican socialist – and a card carrying feminist with a long track record.
I recently completed my fifth post-secondary degree, an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Kings College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. (A couple of friends are threatening to stage an intervention if I get any more degrees).
My memoir in essays, Skater Girl: An Archaeology of the Self will be published by Guernica Editions in spring, 2024. Some are memoir pieces, some reflections. Some are sad; some funny; all are honest. The order is more or less chronological, but the book is a pastiche, an assemblage, with essays refracting and reflecting one another.
I’ve been making visual art in a wide range of media for 25 years. Several pieces play with the idea of the physical book. I plan to make an installation to accompany the launch of my book. I will print each essay on a long strip of paper, dip them in beeswax, and hang them from the ceiling. Visitors can walk in and out and read the book in random order – gathering up the fragments.
I also plan a limited editiion of artist's boxes -- each essay will be rolled up and tied with string, so they can also be read in random ord