Marx ZauberMantel

Hinged: Six Artists iBooks
Six books with text, images, video and music, 2011-2013
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Hinged is a series of artist’s books published on iBooks.
I used text, graphics, photographs, videos and sound as a way of re-thinking the nature of the book in the digital age. They comprise a spiritual memoir, a confession of sorts, and a self-portrait.
“…there is no self-portrait without confession. The author of the self portrait does not show herself; she does not teach anything….The self portraitist does not lead one to knowledge, she admits a fault and asks for forgiveness. She makes truth…throws light on it, in order to make the love of God grow within her.”
—Jaques Derrida, Memoirs of the Blind: The Self-Portrait and Other Ruins

That God Thing
"Sometimes I wonder what my friends – particularly my artist friends, and especially my political friends – think, when they hear that I have “got religion”. Sometimes I imagine myself trying to explain the rather surprising shift from a lifetime of atheism to a belief in – what? The divine, the transcendent, the spirit, the “more”, or as they say in AA, “a higher power whom I choose to call God”?
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That Dog Thing
“Lying in bed one Tuesday night a few years ago, I came to two apparently contradictory conclusions. First, my life was too perfect. Second, I was lonely.It occurred to me that I could mess up my life, and also share it, by acquiring a dog. Had I ever owned a dog? No, I had never even walked one for a friend. What did I know about dogs? I knew that if I stopped to think about it, I would never do it.”
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That Child Thing
“As a child, unlike any other woman I have known, I never fantasized about having children. My own brilliant and gifted mother hated being a housewife and mother, and never let us forget it...It’s not that I decided not to have children – the subject just never arose in my mind. So it’s odd that a few months before I (accidentally) got pregnant, I made a series of drawings about the moon.”
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That Class Thing
“Yes, Karl Marx was the man with the plan, and I was the woman who was going to be his disciple. I spent the next decade organizing, marching, going to meetings, making speeches and writing pamphlets. I believed, with my whole being, that if we could win enough people over to the truth, and the correct revolutionary form of action, we could create a free, democratic, socialist Canada.”
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That Art Thing
“I was supposed to be a writer, not an artist. I started my adult life as an academic – ideas were my passion, learning ideas and teaching them. But something wasn’t quite there; I always had a sense that some part of me was being thwarted. When I couldn’t get a full time job, and even my sessional hours were drastically cut, I left the academy and decided to become a writer, a playwright. I come from a family where words were the currency, and my three degrees were all in English literature, so it seemed obvious that I would be a writer if I were going to have a creative life. “
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That Love Thing
“Opening myself up to the love of place brings inevitable sorrow for what we are doing to this land and these waters, for the muck and stink of pollution, the clear cutting, the ever-growing deserts, and the human devastation that results. Ecocide is genocide, is deicide. Love isn’t just a feeling. Love is action. Love is what we do to protect and cherish and preserve all that we hold sacred.”
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